Baliogo International Group (formerly OGO Group) was established in 2021 in Hanoi.

Founders: Mr. Mai Dac Chung, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thu.
Head office address: Apartment 4NV4B – 10 The Manor Central Park, Nguyen Xien Street, Dai Kim Ward, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi City, Vietnam…

BALIOGO International Group Joint Stock Company has the mission of creating an ecosystem of life and human care product lines with natural ingredients and using biotechnology, which is environmentally friendly and safe for humans. user. We are proud to be one of the leading units in Vietnam catching up with the green living trend of the most developed countries in the world, contributing to comprehensive health protection and healthy living environment protection from
providing a line of organic products of natural origin.

tap doan baliogo
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In the future, Baliogo International Group aims to become a multi-industry and multi-field enterprise group not only in Vietnam but also reaching out to the world to bring high values ​​in both economic and field aspects. train. We have been constantly striving to affirm our class, prestige and position in the domestic and foreign markets.

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BALIOGO GROUP carrying the mission of contributing to the sustainable development of the country in the period of integration and reaching international heights.

Becoming a leading brand in providing products from natural, safe and protecting consumers’ health, in order to best meet the expectations of customers and partners.

Becoming the number 1 professional training unit in Vietnam market – the leading prestigious learning environment for those who want to pursue a career in online sales.



BALIOGO Group will continue to strengthen its position in the domestic market and Reach out to the world, continue to conquer the most demanding markets. In the future, ALIOGO affirms to become one of the leading multi-industry corporations in Vietnam.

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Trang chu Baliogomap

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Ông Mai Đắc Chung

Chủ tịch HĐQT

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Ông Nguyễn Xuân Thụ

Phó chủ tịch HĐQT

C Yen 275x365 1

Bà Lê Khánh Yến

Giám đốc điều hành

Idol Lien Tay 275 365

Bà Liên Tây

Giám đốc phát triển

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Ông Mai Đắc Chung

Chủ tịch HĐQT

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Ông Nguyễn Xuân Thụ

Phó chủ tịch HĐQT

C Yen 275x365 1

Bà Lê Khánh Yến

Giám đốc điều hành

Idol Lien Tay 275 365

Bà Liên Tây

Giám đốc phát triển

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Chủ tịch HĐQT

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Ông Nguyễn Xuân Thụ

Phó chủ tịch HĐQT

C Yen 275x365 1

Bà Lê Khánh Yến

Giám đốc điều hành

Idol Lien Tay 275 365

Bà Liên Tây

Giám đốc phát triển

Aspiration to raise the living value for Vietnamese people, we aim to develop the Group with a comprehensive ecosystem, continue to grow and reach the international level on the way ahead.

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